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One of the more cultic features of the PMCC 4th Watch is something that is more of a characteristic of theirs than it is for other cults. The 4th Watch holds the idea that the true church of God must be led by what's known as an apostle, a special teacher especially and directly appointed by God himself. The doctrine involving apostleship is a core belief in the 4th Watch, so we are dedicating a whole section that will educate others on a subject that 4th Watchers hold dear. It is their beliefs regarding apostleship that help them to stand out as a cult even to other Christian religions.

So what exactly is an apostle? Basically, an apostle is a special teacher appointed and sent by God himself to teach others about him and the future events that he has planned. You might remember that the twelve disciples of Jesus were called apostles. According to the 4th Watch, God in the Bible uses both prophets and apostles for various purposes. The difference between the two are minimal and are almost the same. Prophets are usually thought of as persons who foretell future events, known as prophecies, which come from God, and these persons teach what they prophesize. Apostles are pretty much the same, but they are viewed as being directly sent by God. According to the 4th Watch, God used prophets in the Old Testament, and apostles in the New Testament. In fact, the similarities between the two are so close that you might just call any such persons used by God in the Old Testament as prophets, and any such persons in the New Testament as apostles.

The 4th Watchers believe that a man named Arsenio Ferriol is an apostle. They believe his claim that God had appeared to him in a vision, appointed him as Christianity's one true apostle, and told him to lead the church. So are apostles a cult feature? You bet they are. Think about it. Both prophets and apostles are making extremely bold and ridiculous claims, that they are special messengers appointed and sent by God. They claim that God talks to them, gives them commands, haunts them even, if they do not carry out his will. Not only is this a psychotic issue, it is a cultic feature of any religious church, that persons claim that they are a prophet or an apostle. Of course, perhaps more often than not, such claims are fraudulent, and those who make them are scammers. When you hear about a church consisting of prophets and apostles, it wouldn't be too far-fetched to assume that they might be a cult.

But it is not merely the fact that such persons claim to be sent by God that makes an organization a cult. There are other properties involved. One, are such persons who claim to be a prophet or apostle merely members of a church, or is the leader itself one of these persons? In other words, does the leader itself claim to be a prophet or an apostle? If the answer is yes, then you are probably dealing with a cult leader, and thus you are probably dealing with a cult.

But there is another factor that can cause persons to see a group who claims to have somebody who is a prophet or apostle as a cult. In fact, this particular characteristic often even makes other Christian churches view such churches as cultic. Some Christian churches today, often which are cultic, make a claim that states that there must be a living apostle at all times within a true church according to the Bible. It is a pretty bold claim to make, and it is a claim that nearly all Christian religions reject. Because so many Christians reject this idea, and because it is the leaders of churches who make such claims, mainstrean churches treat such persons as cult leaders of their own cults.

All of this is especially true if the church makes the claim that an apostle must lead the church and that only they and/or teachers approved by the apostles can teach the word of God. Some churches, usually cults, teach that an apostle is needed to have a functioning church, that it cannot be a true church of God without a living apostle leading it. These views are what make even other Christian churches see the organizations like this as cults.

And to add to all of that, many cult leaders who claim to be prophets or apostles make the additional claim that they are the only true apostle and that their religion is the only true religion. When you hear someone talking about how there is only one way to salvation, their way, then it is a good guess that you are dealing with a cult.

The PMCC 4th Watch religion not only has an apostle, but consists of all of these cultic characteristics about apostleship. They have a fraudulent (or super superstitious) man who claims to be an apostle sent by God. This man who claims to be an apostle also claims that he is the supreme leader of the religion, as well as the whole of Christianity. His religion believes that a living apostle is needed to lead any true church of Christ. According to the 4th Watch, only the Apostle or his approved pastors and such can properly teach the word of God. Further more, Arsenio Ferriol, the man claiming to be the 4th Watch apostle, claims that only he is a true apostle, and only he and his approved pastors can teach the word of God.

The website for their Word magazine makes this message clear:

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spacer Apostolic Mission is the mission given by God to His apostles. Carrying this mission and vision from God, the apostle leads the church in authoritatively and correctly fulfilling God's will. Without the proper person leading them, no group or person will be recognized by God. God's will can only be followed through the leadership and guidance of His Sent Ones. spacer
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Here are some quotes from 4th Watchers that also relay that message:

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spacer This is the original doctrine according to the truth of the bible concerning being a born? again as not all believers are born again,only those who accept the gospel preached by the sent one of God,the Apostles were born again by his gospel(spirit as the word of God)and baptism(water)and were born again and the Apostle stands us our Father in faith that through him we were born again 1Corinthian 4:14-15 and automatically become an adopted sons of God spacer Cult Member
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spacer "It is not enough that we believe what we are taught, we must also believe who teaches it..." spacer Cult Member
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spacer We're so proud to be in this Church, the Real Church of Christ in the 4th Watch Whom Our Lord Jesus Christ builded upon the foundation of His Apostle, and the gates of hell will not prevail agants it. Matt. 16:18 spacer Cult Member
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spacer a very happy birthday to our beloved Apostle Arsenio T. Ferriol!!!what would our life be if not for u'r ministry that led us to be a part of His true church.truly u'r birth was a manifestation of God's enduring love,thru you we obtain the gift of being in the true church and received true salvation.PTL!!! spacer Cult Member
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Sounds like a cult to us. What do you guys think so far?

You can read an outstanding article on refuting Arsenio Ferriol's apostleship and church here.

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spacer You may click here to read the entire 4th Watch Truth Project from page to page like a book. IMPORTANT: Please read our terms of use. The cult demands your MONEY. The Cult Leader See a list of all cultic features of the 4th Watch cult. THE SILENT KILLER What are their views of YOUR religion. Learn the cultic views of the PMCC 4th Watch religion. What does the cult Believe? What do they practice? Is a living apostle needed in the church today? Are you saved from the fire? Are we now living in the END TIMES? So what IS the fourth watch? Secrecy   Mystery   Deception Do they really drink blood and eat human flesh? Is the Bible the word of God? Get in on the discussion. Learn some of their unbiblical practices. They said WHAT?! What do they think of evolution? The Meaning of Life According to the Cult Testimonies from Victims Are you a victim of the 4th Watch? How are women treated? The 4th Watch and SEX What is their stance on homosexuality? Read our HATE mail. 4th Watch Morality? Faith Verses Reason Is prayer more important than medicine? See the POEM that started it all! What They Believe About Prayer How They See the Environment See what's going on in the cult. Legal Information spacer
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