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Conclusion on the PMCC 4th Watch Cult

In conclusion, the Pentecostal Missionary Church of Christ (4th Watch) is a highly unusual and potentially dangerous religious organization. It is a hate group and cult. It is our sincere hope to all that have read this paper that you have learned significantly about this organization, and we hope that your new knowledge will be sufficient in helping you to make better decisions regarding this particular cult, cults in general, and religion in general as well.

In this paper, we have explained the most significant aspects of the 4th Watch doctrine, practices, membership, and miscellaneous features. We have provided information that should be sufficient enough to explain as to why this organization is a cult and why it should be avoided. We have provided all of you with our own personal experiences, as well as information from additional research and investigation. We have also provided our personal beliefs and opinions to let you know how we all have been effected by and feel about the cult.

We have also tried to provide you with additional information to help you if you had ever been victimized by the 4th Watch cult, or have been effected by any cult, and what you can do to help yourself as well as others who are currently trapped in a cult now. We also hope that many of you get involved to help stop cultic activity from spreading. Additionally, we hope that anyone who has read this paper will consider atheism and Humanism as better alternatives to the hateful Abrahamic religions such as Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.

4th Watchers

If you are currently in the 4th Watch cult, we advise you to get out now. While it is true that the main producers of this project are Humanist atheists, we cannot stress enough that if you wish to believe in a god, be it the Christian god or anyone else, practice your religion with discipline and no matter what, do not harm others or force your beliefs onto anyone else, and practice your religion on a personal level or within a legitimate church, and not a cult like the 4th Watch. As we have explained, identifying the difference between a mainstream religion and a cult can be difficult at first, but we hope that this project will help you to make good decisions about choosing a church. Again, while most of us involved in this project do not believe in such religions, believe us when we tell you that we would much rather have you be a part of a legitimate and mainstream church than any cult and hate group like the 4th Watch.

But whatever decision you make, remember that the most important aspect of yourself is to be moral, peaceful, and loving to others and yourself. Not every mainstream religion is good, and not every cult is completely void of goodness. Whatever the case might be, do not accept immorality, violence, and hatred into your belief systems. You don't need to hate homosexuals, you don't need to repress women, you don't need to abuse animals, and you don't need to hate others for not believing what you do.

While it all started with a poem and resulted in an answer to a challenge, it was the goal to create this project well after the head producer left the 4th Watch cult. The challenger asked us for one example as to why the 4th Watch is a cult, we gave one-hundred. Over all, we are quite happy with how the project turned out. We would like to thank everyone involved, especially ex-members and victims.

Our ultimate goal is to discredit the 4th Watch as much as possible by exposing the truth to both members and non -members. Our hope is that one day the church will be no more, and many souls will have been saved. In some ways, we have already won in this movement. After all, referring to the 4th Watch, we personally beat you, by saving ourselves from you people. You couldn't hold onto us and you couldn't keep us. We resisted your programming, as well as the lies and false teachings. We don't believe in your false prophet. You will no longer get money from us. We will no longer believe you when you tell us that we can't go to Heaven unless we pay you. We might not be able to save everyone from your evil, but always remember that we saved ourselves. Not only did we save ourselves, but you won't be praying on our children either, nor their children. And even if only one person who reads about youe cult in this project decides to stay away from your cult, that is one soul saved because of us, as well as their children, and their children.

Make no mistake. The 4th Watch has stated on their website that they are a "force to reckon with", and they are right. Any time you have one man who can convince thousands of persons that he is the sole authority on the word of God, and turn otherwise normal persons into those who accept that the murder of innocent children is considered loving and that forgiveness cannot be given without death, is definitely a powerful force indeed and one that needs to be taken seriously. The 4th Watch cult has infected the public with a disease worse than most realize. They are redefining the paths in the lives of children that will lead them to unfulfillment. They have even penetrated the government in the Philippines and have taken part in the enslavement of that beautiful country. While they are extremely small for a religion, they are big for a cult, and they are growing. And it is because of all of these reasons that the PMCC 4th Watch cult needs to be stopped.

We will close this piece by reminding everyone that the church of the 4th Watch might seem like a perfectly legitimate and loving place, but they have no interest in your well being. Their main mission is to acquire money for their beloved leader. Whether you are looking for God or happiness, you will not find any of those in the 4th Watch.

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spacer You may click here to read the entire 4th Watch Truth Project from page to page like a book. IMPORTANT: Please read our terms of use. The cult demands your MONEY. The Cult Leader See a list of all cultic features of the 4th Watch cult. THE SILENT KILLER What are their views of YOUR religion. Learn the cultic views of the PMCC 4th Watch religion. What does the cult Believe? What do they practice? Is a living apostle needed in the church today? Are you saved from the fire? Are we now living in the END TIMES? So what IS the fourth watch? Secrecy   Mystery   Deception Do they really drink blood and eat human flesh? Is the Bible the word of God? Get in on the discussion. Learn some of their unbiblical practices. They said WHAT?! spacer
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