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Now we enter the subject of creation. Most religions, particularly theistic ones, teach how everything in existence, including all life on Earth, the planets themselves, and the entire universe, was created by a god or supernatural deity. This is known as creation, and is part of an ideology known as Creationism. Back in 2005, fundamentalist Christians in the U.S. tried to re-brand this ideology as a scientific theory and gave it the name "intelligent design". Schools are forbidden to teach religion as factual or as science, and this name-change was an attempt to have Creationism taught in school by hiding its religious affiliation. Fortunately, the courts ruled intelligent design was not a scientific theory and was not allowed to be taught in school. However, Creationists still like to refer to creationism as intelligent design when attempting to make it sound scientific.

Creationism consists of a god creating the universe and all life forms in the forms they're in now. In other words, everything popped into existence out of nothing, consisting of all the lifeforms we see today...all from magic. This goes against the scientific concepts of the big bang, abiogenesis, and evolution...not to mention common sense. The big bang covers how the universe expanded to be the universe it is today, abiogenesis explains how life began, and evolution is how lifeforms changed, including how they changed into human beings. These three scientific theories have an enormous amount of evidence, evolution in particular, that shows they are correct. Creation however, has no evidence to support it. Because of this, Creationism cannot be considered a theory; perhaps a hypothesis at most. Nearly all scientists confirm and believe in the scientific theories of the big bang, abiogenesis, and evolution.

But be that as it might, many persons still believe in some form of creation. This is most often due to a lack of education, or proper education, in which they simply do not understand how these phenomena work. But many such persons are just overly superstitious. To them, it is too difficult to try and understand the science, and it is much easier for them to believe that a supernatural deity created the universe by magic. For these persons, it is extremely difficult to imagine the universe not being created by some intelligent being.

Because so many persons still believe in this outdated concept of a god creating everything, it is difficult to call creation a cultic idea, despite it being odd and going against all forms of rationality and scientific evidence. But while many persons still believe in some form of creation, many of those persons still believe in the scientific theories; they just believe that a god is the one responsible for putting it all in motion. But hard-core Creationists reject all science in this respect and ignore the evidence. They come up with ridiculous excuses to believe in their nonsense, such as claiming that dinosaurs lived with humans, that the meat-eating dinosaurs didn't eat the humans because they were actually vegetarians, or, that dinosaurs didn't exist at all; that the bones we find are only God's way of testing our faith. In fact, they even go so far as to call evolution "evil". It is this kind of thinking that really makes the concept of creation cultic.

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Rejecting the scientific facts can have serious negative consequences. The most dangerous aspect of Creationism is its rejection of evolution. Evolution is a verified scientific fact of nature. While believing in some ideas concerning religion is mostly harmless, rejecting evolution can be damaging. Medicine is greatly influenced by our knowledge of evolution. Studying evolution has helped us to unlock the secrets of biology and has also helped us to understand our own humanity. The greatest benefit of believing in evolution, is that by understanding how it works, we have been able to increase the effectiveness of medical treatments by understanding how diseases evolve and how to counter this evolution with alternative methods of treatment. If we ignored evolution, we would still be treating bacterial infections like we did several years ago which were not as effective, and we would be seeing more pain and death today if we did not apply what we know about evolution to medicine. By ignoring the truth of evolution and instead believing in fairytale fiction, we limit our progress in experiencing longer and more joyful lives, while setting ourselves up for the same kind of pain and suffering we had a hundred years ago. But it's not just that; These three things; the big bang, abiogenesis, and evolution greatly help us to understand so much about our universe, our planet, our lives, and our past. To give all that up because of superstitious ideology makes no sense, and is dangerous to our progress as both humans and a society.

The 4th Watch embraces creation, the idea that their god created the entire universe and all living things. They reject every theory which refutes their Creationism. They especially hate evolution, and have adopted the intelligent design strategy to force the teaching of their religion in schools, and would even go as far as eliminating the teachings of evolution altogether. In addition to this, the 4th Watch does not only believe that evolution is false, but that it is strictly immoral to believe in it. They teach that evolution is a concept invented by the Devil and belief in it is an excuse to commit evil. This kind of talk and beliefs are nothing short of cultic behavior.

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