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4th Watcher

Devotion is very important in the 4th Watch. Members are expected to be completely devoted to their god and leader. They are trained to believe in and worship God without question. They do not question their leader's apostleship, and believe everything that he says and teaches. Complete loyalty to their leader and his church are required for salvation, and members must give their leader and church money to buy that salvation. Just as well, 4th Watch members are expected to be life long devoted members of the church. They are expected to go to church as many times during the week as they can, worship as many times a day that they can, including the entire Sunday, and they are encouraged to give all the money that they can everytime they go. All of their skills are to be used for God and to promote the church. God and the church are to be first in your lives. It is obvious from such behavior the 4th Watch is a cultic environment.

Here are some quotes concerning the devotion of 4th Watchers from 4th Watchers themselves:

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spacer We cannot be disciples by mouth, or by first impressions. There is no such category for a disciple. Disciples continue in the words of the Lord, whether it is convenient or not. After all, salvation was achieved through the sacrifice of our Lord. spacer Cult Member
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spacer CHRISTIAN: do you BEAR the name or do you LIVE it? If you do, then you must obey His commands. Like, giving your WHOLE SUNDAY to the Lord. It is better to remain serving God knowing your imperfections will be perfected in His time than to be claiming you know God yet don't follow His commands. Afterall, this is what to God is: John 14:15 "If you love me, you will obey what I command. spacer Cult Member
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spacer Believing at first, then avoiding attending services due to non-biblical reasons such as the service is too long, or the male brethren all stare at me, and others - this is not an example of continuing. Or, agreeing that the words of God are righteous and proper, but failing to give it due recognition by obeying, is also not continuing. spacer Cult Member
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spacer If you are not a disciple of Christ, then what are you? The answer is more obvious than you think. Let us not just start but continue in the words of the Lord. spacer Cult Member
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spacer You should have no other love but Christ, you should have no other world but ministry, you should have no other work, but your jobspec spacer Cult Member
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spacer a very happy birthday to our beloved Apostle Arsenio T. Ferriol!!!what would our life be if not for u'r ministry that led us to be a part of His true church.truly u'r birth was a manifestation of God's enduring love,thru you we obtain the gift of being in the true church and received true salvation.PTL!!! spacer Cult Member
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Worship in the 4th Watch church is not your typical Sunday worship in your local church down the street. The 4th Watch has a unique way of worshipping their god, and if you have not been convinced so far that they are a cult, you will when you see the way they worship. In fact, watching them worship is one of the creepiest experiences you'll ever see.

At first, they might come off as a normal looking church, singing and looking happy, but things change quickly. Once everyone starts to actually pray, you will often witness and hear the entire room fill with persons crying, speaking in tongues, yelling out chants, shaking, on their knees or laying on the floor, and they yell and cry out loud negative affirmations, such as about how bad they are, how much they deserve death and Hell, but how good God is for saving and loving them, and that they will obey him. Persons act in a very bizarre and creepy manner that is in no way considered mainstream, but could only be described as cultic. During 4th Watch worship, it looks like everyone is abusing some type of illegal substance. A short video clip of this would make a good ad against drug use. Normal churches do not act this way. Persons should go to church to worship, pray, learn about, and connect with God. These 4th Watch cult members go to the extreme and none of it is necessary.

It is no coincidence that most persons in the 4th Watch act this way. They do not just act this way out of personal behavior and attitude, but are encouraged and pushed to act this way. In fact, the entire structure of worship in the 4th Watch is set up purposely to allow for psychological programming to be at its fullest. Reading about programming in earlier pieces, you now know how programming such as brainwashing and mind control is carried out in the 4th Watch, including how singing and crying help to produce emotional responses that increase hypnotic suggestion and vulnerability to absorb false information, which is all done to glorify the leader and to make him money. Just look at the structure of their Sunday worship.

4th Watchers

They waste no time and start with their psychological programming right away by having everyone sing. You already know what singing does. If you didn't read the psychological effects that the 4th Watch attempts to produce through singing and music, click here to read that now. By singing several songs and being encouraged to cry while singing, their minds are made more susceptible to brainwashing and mind control, and they are introduced to several lyrics which basically command them to devote themselves to their God, which they interpret as their cult, while repeating these commands over and over again. This lasts for about fifteen minutes.

After singing and going through an emotional rollercoaster, they board another emotional rollercoaster when they begin to pray, going through the process we just explained previously, crawling on their knees and with their backs on the floor, they cry, they speak in tongues, they yell out chants, and they shake, while yelling and crying out how bad they are, how much they deserve death and Hell, but how good God is for saving and loving them, and that they will obey him, while making themselves even more susceptible to brainwashing and mind control.

After they go through about thirty minutes of psychological attacks, that is when the pastor or some "church elder" begins to finally address the congregation. It is here when the main programming begins. Once all of the members are in a slightly hypnotic state after being treated to several forms of psychological mind-breaking, with their emotions running deep and being filled with hypnotic commands, this person will perform a scripture reading, having everyone read with this person, and absorbing any command, thought, or feeling that the particular scripture is meant to, but usually, it is to strengthen the hypnotic state and to affirm to everyone that they are to obey scriptures and to obey God.

And then, while you are in this hypnotic state and have just affirmed your commitment to the scripture, they give you a good five minute talk called the "offertory" about your obligation to give money to the church. This is where they tell you how great God will make your life if you give him money, and how bad it will be if you don't. It isn't any coincidence that this is the time when they do this. It is done on purpose because this is the main goal of the church, and so it should be no surprise that after everyone has just went through a half hour of psychological warfare and are in hypnotic states with a confirmed commitment to scripture and have been given commands to give money to the church, that this is the time when they send the ushers down the aisle with their donation bags to take everyone's money. Again, this is not a coincidence. The church purposely sets the day up this way, so that they can get money from the congregation and to get as much as they can.

After this and they achieve their most important reward, your money, they begin the next phase while everyone's hypnotic state is still fresh and begin the "announcements". Here, they will often talk about what events are coming up, how much money you will need to save for them, and how much money the church is trying to raise for such events. It's usually connected to money in one way or another.

After they are done with the most important part of the worship ceremony, getting your money, is when they finally get to the message. And this could last for another hour or so. The message they give varies, but it almost always involves in some way, money, how much God loves us, or how many persons he's putting in Hell. After that, they partake in communion, which is pretty close to other Christian religions, except for the fact that the pastor tells the congregation that their right to perform the communion was given to them by their Apostle Arsenio Ferriol. After the communion, a closing prayer is given and everyone shakes hands which could be just another psychological programming method to increase dependency.

As you can clearly see, Sunday worship for the 4th Watch is a scary, psychological battlefield to steal money. And guess what. This is only the first part of the day. They always do this at least one more time on the same Sunday. And, if you think that they only do this on Sunday, think again. They have similar services held on several days of the week, depending on the church. Services on days other than Sunday might not be as grand, but they always talk about tithing and donations. In fact, while the actual messages of the sermons vary throughout the days, the one thing that is constant with every sermon is the offertory. Preaching about tithing is done about a hundred times more than salvation is. This is worship in the 4th Watch!

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spacer You may click here to read the entire 4th Watch Truth Project from page to page like a book. IMPORTANT: Please read our terms of use. The cult demands your MONEY. The Cult Leader See a list of all cultic features of the 4th Watch cult. THE SILENT KILLER What are their views of YOUR religion. Learn the cultic views of the PMCC 4th Watch religion. What does the cult Believe? What do they practice? Is a living apostle needed in the church today? Are you saved from the fire? Are we now living in the END TIMES? So what IS the fourth watch? Secrecy   Mystery   Deception Do they really drink blood and eat human flesh? Is the Bible the word of God? Get in on the discussion. Learn some of their unbiblical practices. They said WHAT?! What do they think of evolution? The Meaning of Life According to the Cult Testimonies from Victims Are you a victim of the 4th Watch? How are women treated? The 4th Watch and SEX What is their stance on homosexuality? Read our HATE mail. 4th Watch Morality? Faith Verses Reason Is prayer more important than medicine? See the POEM that started it all! What They Believe About Prayer How They See the Environment See what's going on in the cult. Legal Information 4th Watch Humor See what we're about. Consider atheism. Embrace Humanism. Have questions? spacer
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