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Quotes from Jonathon Ferriol

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Jonathon Ferriol spacer Because of sin, people die...because of sin, people get sick...because of sin, we have all this calamity and devastation, like the one we recently saw from Japan. All of this is brought about because of man's sin. spacer
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Jonathon Ferriol spacer Tithing is something we only reserve for the members of this church and/or this community of believers. This is something that we emphasize and teach un-abashedly and biblically, that if you are a member of this church, you've got to tithe...because tithing is the responsible way to demonstrate that you are a member of this community of believers of this church. But offering is something that is open to all of us, so if you are our guests or our friends, you may freely give any amount in the name of supporting the work of the Lord. spacer
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Jonathon Ferriol spacer Just came from Carson park with the girls and witnessing as well to those two parents there - it is sort of being a "fool" for Christ on this April Fool's Day:) spacer
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Jonathon Ferriol spacer Our money is temporal. But where we spend it on could define & impact where we would spend eternity! So spend it righteously & properly! spacer
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spacer A big part is for God! spacer Cult Member
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Jonathon Ferriol spacer Any specie survives & thrives only in his own in the sea...birds in the air...true believers in the church! This is nature! spacer
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Jonathon Ferriol spacer Saw this sign in Vegas airport: "Putting Sin back to the City" Who says we are not in a battle for the soul of our cities? spacer
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Jonathon Ferriol spacer Had lively "interaction" with a Muslim guy today! Couldn't explain why there are mosques in US but we don't have churches in MIddle East! spacer
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Jonathon Ferriol spacer Atheists are calling Christmas a "myth" But for believers it isn't rather it is a biblical fact worthy of belief & yes, even celebration! spacer
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Jonathon Ferriol spacer Christmas is God at work in our history. God is neither detached nor uncaring to men. He loves the world - this is what Christmas is about! spacer
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Jonathon Ferriol spacer You should have no other love but Christ, you should have no other world but ministry, you should have no other work, but your jobspec spacer
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Jonathon Ferriol spacer Evil can teach us a lesson about life in general such as the existence of good. Evil proves there is good & if there's good, there's God! spacer
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Jonathon Ferriol spacer You cannot make sense of the evil in your life if you do not have Jesus in your life. spacer
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Jonathon Ferriol spacer Christmas is God's act of war against Satan. Christ didn't come to beg or negotiate with Satan. And neither should we. Christianity is war!" (War talk from the head pastor Jonathon Ferriol) spacer
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spacer [Response to the pastor's war talk] "And as valiant soldiers that we must be, there's no time to bleed, right Ptr? What a powerful reminder to us all! PTL! spacer Cult Member
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Jonathon Ferriol spacer [Regarding the statement made by Stephen Hawking about God not being necessary] "The fool says in his heart, 'There is no God'" (Ps. 14:1). This is physics gone wrong and awry! But as long as the Bible says otherwise, I will believe we are created by God! spacer
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spacer You may click here to read the entire 4th Watch Truth Project from page to page like a book. IMPORTANT: Please read our terms of use. The cult demands your MONEY. The Cult Leader See a list of all cultic features of the 4th Watch cult. THE SILENT KILLER What are their views of YOUR religion. Learn the cultic views of the PMCC 4th Watch religion. What does the cult Believe? What do they practice? Is a living apostle needed in the church today? Are you saved from the fire? Are we now living in the END TIMES? So what IS the fourth watch? Secrecy   Mystery   Deception Do they really drink blood and eat human flesh? Is the Bible the word of God? Get in on the discussion. Learn some of their unbiblical practices. They said WHAT?! What do they think of evolution? The Meaning of Life According to the Cult Testimonies from Victims Are you a victim of the 4th Watch? How are women treated? The 4th Watch and SEX What is their stance on homosexuality? Read our HATE mail. 4th Watch Morality? Faith Verses Reason Is prayer more important than medicine? See the POEM that started it all! What They Believe About Prayer How They See the Environment See what's going on in the cult. Legal Information 4th Watch Humor spacer
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