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The Followers

4th Watchers

So now that we have talked much about the leadership of the cult, what about its followers? Cults are commonly comprised of persons with low self-esteem, having a feeling of worthlessness, and are lonely without the cult. Yet despite this, cult members generally have a sense of superiority over members who are not a part of the cult. Your typical cult member is uneducated and unintelligent. One thing that nearly all cult members have in common is that they are overly superstitious. Further more, they are very naive, eccentric, and just like their leader, often make outrageous claims that they cannot back up.

Typical 4th Watchers have low self-esteem. These are the types of persons that cults love to target, as such persons have a lack of confidence and thus are perfect to be snatched and molded by the cult. Those with low self-esteem are often lonely too, having very few friends. These kinds of persons are longing for someone to love them and to be a part of some family, and the idea of a heavenly father watching them as they live their lives gives them such a sense of security that they find it difficult to have these things without the cult. The cult makes them feel wanted and loved, giving them a sense of belonging. Further more, when they have feelings that they are worthless, they find comfort in the 4th Watch because this particular cult teaches that all persons are just that, worthless. When everybody is taught that they are worthless and sinful, and just bad persons, it then helps everyone to feel not so different. And of course, they are also given the deceitful message that tells them that Jesus forgives them and loves them, as well as the Apostle. All this time the Apostle is just scamming them out of their money, and in a sense, they are paying for all this happiness, literally with money. And Arsenio is so clever, that his followers see this as a gift rather than something they are purchasing.

It should come as no surprise that your average 4th Watch cult member is not a very educated individual. We're not saying that there are not some highly educated persons, but your average 4th Watcher has not received a proper education and is not smart. In fact, most 4th Watchers we know are below average in intelligence. This is to be expected, coming from a cult whose leader encourages giving their lives to him, to keep them in church rather than in school. The cult keeps them from learning to think critically and from learning true science, so it is no wonder why 4th Watchers are commonly stupid.

Perhaps one of the most obvious cultic characteristics is that the followers of the 4th Watch are extremely superstitious. These are the kind of guys who will hear someone sneeze and believe that the Devil must be in the room. This one characteristic can prove to be one of the most dangerous and scariest of all cult features. It is amazing how these are the persons who put down science because they believe that scientists make too many assumptions without proving anything, yet these superstitious cult members will allow their fears and emotions to run and control their lives and behaviors. Seriously, someone gets sick at a rock concert, and that is all the proof that such cult members need to blame rock music as being of the Devil's work.

In truth, a little superstition can be harmless and somewhat fun as a tradition, but when practiced or believed in too much, it can become dangerous to those who practice it and to the others around them. This is after all, how the Witch hunts happened; but in this case, it is really the 4th Watchers who are evil.

Along with being overly superstitious, cult members are almost always very naive, and the 4th Watchers are no exception. They are far too trusting, and are too quick to believe in what they hear, or what they want to hear. This is especially true when what they hear comes from their beloved apostle, their cult leader. Whatever the leader says, his followers believe. Tell them that a man has one less rib than a woman, and they'll believe it. Tell them that the world is only 6,000 years old; they'll believe that too. It isn't any surprise that you have a lot of 4th Watchers who have been suckered into network marketing schemes, some of which are cults themselves, like Amway for instance. Sometimes after a church service where a cult leader fools persons into joining the cult, you'll have network marketers doing the same thing.

Being too naive can be very dangerous. When you trust someone without question or caution, you can be tricked, sometimes with limited consequences, and sometimes those consequences can be severe. This is especially true when you give one person this much power over you, because it allows you to become a slave of those who you give your obedience to. In the 4th Watch, the leader has so much power over his servants. They are taught not to question his authority and to believe in every teaching and obey every command. These are the kinds of religious fanatics who are victimized everyday by greedy religious predators, and as mentioned, the Apostle is one of the worst. Since he preaches that God will perform miracles for money, it is not an unlikely scenario for one of his pastors to proclaim that he can have God heal someone who has cancer for $5,000. If you think that's absurd, persons fall for it all the time, including the 4th Watchers.

It is common to think of cult members as eccentric, and there are plenty of eccentric persons that help make up the 4th Watch cult. In fact, it is kind of a given that if you are a cult member, something must be wrong with you, so you kind of have to be eccentric to be a cult member to begin with. Of course, this does not necessarily apply to new members or generally good persons who have been fooled into joining, but mainly applies to those members who have dedicated their lives in the cult and have been members for quite a long period of time. Of course, in the 4th Watch, believing what they believe makes one eccentric enough, as well as their mental weaknesses, but the eccentricity of 4th Watch cult members goes beyond just believing in the ridiculous and having weak minds.

Just look at their behavior. If you spend one church session in a 4th Watch church, do not be surprised if you see everyone crying with tears running down their faces as they talk to God. Do not be shocked if you see members who go in and out of trances during singing and praying. Do not look puzzled if you see and hear multiple persons suddenly bursting out in gibberish as they speak in tongues, and make fools of themselves. After a while, a 4th Watch church starts to look like a school for the mentally retarded. And we'd rather be among the mentally retarded.

And of course, just like their deranged apostle, the followers believe and repeat the same claims he makes and are uninformed how to properly back them up. 4th Watchers love to tell everyone that their leader was sent by God and that Jesus will be returning soon, and that you're all going to Hell if you don't join them; But while they love to talk and throw promises and insults at everyone, they cannot backup any of the claims that they make. It's easy to back a 4th Watcher in a corner where they can no longer say anything to make their arguments seem like they make any sense. This is usually when they will tell you that you need a teacher, and of course, the apostle is the teacher you need. The truth is however, 4th Watchers need doctors, psychiatrists to be exact, and they need some serious deprogramming.

Despite there being so many cultic similarities among the followers, there exists a grand variety among them as well. Actually, when you think about it, despite the cult's attempts of conformity, 4th Watchers maintain some aspects of their individuality that helps to show that there are still individuals trapped inside the bodies with reprogrammed brains, yet it also shows you the kind of persons that the cult attracts. In the Elgin, Illinois, USA church alone, you have a wife beater, an adulterer, a homosexual who hates homosexuals, a nurse who doesn't believe in evolution and feels that prayer is more effective than medicine, a female pastor, a crazy lady who speaks in tongues, crazy parents who cry while their children giggle at them, and an army of gossipers. Sounds like a loving family. Who wouldn't want to join?

Now, as we have just learned, the majority of 4th Watch followers are a pathetic people. But, we cannot be quick to label them that way and treat them like we would with their leaders. We have to learn to look at many of these persons as victims. Yes, many of them are just bad persons; but many are simply too weak-minded to withstand the psychological and cultic attacks that the cult inflicts upon them. They're not necessarily all bad. In fact, not everyone is necessarily stupid either. The cult is very good at what it does, and they are able to fool a lot of smart persons. And the thing is, few persons know when they are entering and joining a cult. An organization will often certainly look good in the beginning, and if you were to know all of the truth before hand, then many would not want to join. But they first suck you in through many techniques, such as love bombing, while lying to you about their true intentions. As time goes by, they slowly introduce you to new teachings, all while at the same time, programming you to be a true 4th Watch cult follower. After a while, you accept everything they are and will find yourself being proud to be a member of the 4th Watch. While this does not always work for everyone, that is the general plan, and it has worked for a lot of foolish members for thirty years now.

Also, please remember that many of these cult followers grew up as children in the cult; some even born there. Children stand little chance of learning how to think for themselves and learn any reasonable thought. All this means that we must constantly educate everyone about what goes on in this organization, while trying to save those who have been victimized by the 4th Watch cult. As for the leaders and those who act like them, we need to try and make sure that they are held accountable for their actions. When a 4th Watch cult leader for instance, orders parents to force their child to fast and not eat to show her devotion to God, that is child abuse that we must expose. When parents hit their children if they say anything bad about the church, that is also child abuse that must be reported. As for those children who are being abused, they are the victims, and they are the ones that we need to save. Those who carry out the abuse need to be punished.

Fortunately, many persons who join the cult do not actually stay in it. The 4th Watch might want you to believe that as persons join everyday, their numbers just keep on getting bigger, as if no one ever leaves. In reality, their numbers do keep geting bigger, but many persons leave. One of our members was a 4th Watch follower for only four months, and this person witnessed the church increase and decrease its membership quite drastically. When this person left, there were fewer members than when they started. However, a few months later, they learned that there were a lot more. In any case, the church is growing, but not as fast as the cult might like you to believe. Our guess is that for every two persons who join, one person leaves. Honestly, that's not a very good rate for the true church of God.

This piece was to inform you about the followers personally. To learn more about the role of these followers, you can go here.

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