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Oneness of Truth

Oneness of truth refers to the idea that there is only one truth. In religion, this often means that a particular religion is the only true religion, whether according to the Bible or not. Such religious groups will consider their religion to be the only way, whatever goal that way might lead to. Usually, that refers to the way of such things like happiness or enlightenment, but most commonly, salvation, which in most cases, means to be saved from being tortured in Hell. Religions that have a oneness of truth doctrine believe that their religion is the only true religion, that their way is the only way to achieve salvation. Anyone who doesn't agree with them is wrong, and they cannot be saved unless they are in the one true religion.

This is a cultic way of thinking and is a doctrine that is almost always practiced by a cult leader. In fact, this is perhaps the most dominant cultic feature behind the leader itself. Cult leaders after all, want everyone to follow them. They don't want anyone giving their money to somebody else, or their praise to somebody else. They want it all, so they naturally make the claim that only their religion will get persons into Heaven. If they choose not to be part of their "true" religion, then they will surely go to Hell. Cult leaders who claim to be apostles embrace oneness of truth, because not only do they get others to believe that they need an apostle, but that it is only the apostle's religion which can give them salvation.

The PMCC 4th Watch and its apostolic leader practice this onness of truth doctrine. The 4th Watch believes that there is only one true church, and guess which one that is. Likewise, Arsenio Ferriol is the only true apostle and teacher of Jesus Christ. Yes, they believe that their religion and apostle make up the only true church according to the Holy Bible. They stress that their way, is the only way. No other religion or path will make you achieve salvation. Belieivng in God is not enough. Accepting Jesus is not enough. Being a good person is not enough. No, you have to be in their church. You have to live by their doctrine. And you have to accept their leader, the Apostle Arsenio Ferriol as the only true leader and teacher of the Christian faith. And who said this wasn't a cult?

In case that information didn't quite sink in, consider this: The Apostle of the 4th Watch says that he alone is the sole authority on the Bible and it is only through him that you can achieve salvation from Jesus. He states that this is because God has appointed him to teach and that he is the only one who can. Thus, in order to be saved and avoid hell, you must learn from him or one of his approved teachers, and you must be a member of his church. If you are not a member of Arsenio's church, you will go to Hell. Men, women, doesn't matter who you are, you are doomed without the acceptance of Arsenio Ferriol as your apostle. Even if you are a part of a church which teaches the exact same things as they do, you are still going to Hell. It is clear that the 4th Watch is a cult from these beliefs alone. The one true church? You decide.

And to help you make the decision to believe whether or not the 4th Watch actually has this doctrine, take a look at some of the things members say. First, from the cult leader himself:

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spacer Faith without work is dead. But even if people has work if they are not it the true faith their work is still in vain. For a work to be acceptable before God, the person needs to be in the true faith. spacer Arsenio Ferriol
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The Word, the 4th Watch's official magazine's website, makes it very clear that they believe they are the one true church:

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spacer Vol. 5, Issue No. 29, December 1994, page 23:
It is only in us the true body of Christ who are equipped and empowered by the Holy Spirit to lead them back to Him who is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.
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We found this previous passage from one of their issues on the web from another site calling the 4th Watch a cult. Unfortunately, we have not seen this passage ourselves, so we cannot confirm the truth of this passage's existence right now, and without seeing the article from which it came, we cannot verify if we are using it in the correct context; but it is consistent with everything we do know about them. This next passage also comes from the Word magazine itself that supports their oneness of truth doctrine:

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spacer Apostolic Mission is the mission given by God to His apostles. Carrying this mission and vision from God, the apostle leads the church in authoritatively and correctly fulfilling God's will. Without the proper person leading them, no group or person will be recognized by God. God's will can only be followed through the leadership and guidance of His Sent Ones. spacer
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And here are several quotes from members who seem to back all of this up:

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spacer Prepare to meet the LORD! There is only ONE WAY!!! John 14:6JESUS answered, "I am the Way and the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the FATHER except through ME." spacer Cult Member
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spacer Jesus Christ is my Savior, and He can be yours too. He is the only way. spacer Cult Member
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spacer We're so proud to be in this Church, the Real Church of Christ in the 4th Watch Whom Our Lord Jesus Christ builded upon the foundation of His Apostle, and the gates of hell will not prevail agants it. Matt. 16:18 spacer Cult Member
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spacer As believers in the true church of the Lord, we have a leader whose life and ministry is worthy of our celebration and emulation. He is our shepherd, our leader, our brother, our apostle... spacer Cult Member
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spacer This is the original doctrine according to the truth of the bible concerning being a born? again as not all believers are born again,only those who accept the gospel preached by the sent one of God,the Apostles were born again by his gospel(spirit as the word of God)and baptism(water)and were born again and the Apostle stands us our Father in faith that through him we were born again 1Corinthian 4:14-15 and automatically become an adopted sons of God spacer Cult Member
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spacer It is not enough that we believe what we are taught, we must also believe who teaches it... spacer Cult Member
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Now, for us it is clear that the 4th Watch Apostle teaches that he is the only "true" apostle and that his church is the only true church. However, one of the 4th Watchers has told us that that is not the case. According to this person, the 4th Watch believes that they are a true church, and not the true church. Same with their apostle. Basically, this person is saying that while they believe that they are a true church, there can be other true churches in addition to the 4th Watch. According to them, the 4th Watch only teaches the correct teachings of the Bible, and it is only through what it teachces that persons are saved. But they say that the 4th Watch does not have to be the only true church and Arsenio does not have to be the only true apostle...that God can appoint more than one apostle and there can be more than one church. This person even went on to say that it would be incredibly unlikely that there would only be one true church.

Here is what this 4th Watcher said: (As the 4th watcher was kind enough to address our questions, we did not use a zombie icon to represent them.)

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spacer ..."one true church" concept? You might think it's "The PMCC 4th watch is the only true church". But that is incorrect. Our belief is that we are a true church, but NOT the only. When we find other church groups that are also true churches, we are still considered 1 church, even though we are 2 or more. spacer
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While we appreciate the input from this 4th Watcher, we have to say that this just doesn't seem to be consistent with our research. Just take a moment to have another look at what these 4th Watchers said about their church.

The only way? The true church? Only those who accept the sent one of God?...They are referring to their church in each one of these instances. It is clear that the members of the 4th Watch believe or are at least under the impression that they are the only true church. Again, notice that they almost never say a true church, but that they are the true church. It is difficult to arrive at any other conclusion based on the things that they say. So we asked this 4th Watcher a few questions, and you can see them here with their responses:

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Freethinker spacer As far as the one true church concept, if you are saying that you do not consider yourselves to be the only true church, then we need to look into this and adjust our information if this turns out to be true. We want all of our information to be accurate. However, our research has found that this does not seem to be the case. In order to know for sure, I will need to ask you a few questions.

First, if you do not consider yourselves to be the only true church, how many true churches are there?
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One of our first thoughts from reading this person's original passage to us about their church not being the only true church was how many true churches are out there then.

Here is the 4th Watcher's response:

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spacer We don't know. Actually, we are looking for other church groups that have valid doctrines. We do believe our church is a true church. But we strongly disagree that we are the ONLY true church. So we don't know, but were searching for other groups, for it is impossible for there to only be 1 true church. spacer
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This person didn't know? Did that mean that there were too many too count, or because there were too few to know about? We would ask later, but here was our second question.

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Freethinker spacer Second, if you find a church that is a "true" church, does Arsenio Ferriol assume leadership of that church, or does the leader of that other church assume leadership? Does no one assume leadership over the other? spacer
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And his response to this question:

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spacer So when we find other church groups, we still believe Christ is the head. But with the apostles, just like what happened in the bible, no apostle assumes leadership over the other. They're equal in leadership. But Christ is still remains the head. spacer
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Okay, reading this 4th Watcher's words ("so when we find a true church"), it is obvious that the 4th Watch must know other churches which they consider to be true. So perhaps we were incorrect in our understanding that the 4th Watch considers themselves to be the only true church...or were we?

Our next question:

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Freethinker spacer Third, our research has shown that the 4th Watchers believe that while anyone can learn the gospel, if it is not preached by the 4th Watch Apostle or one of his ordained pastors, then such persons will not receive salvation. Is this true? If it is, then how can there be other "true" churches if they did not study under Arsenio Ferriol? If it is not true, then why do so many 4th Watchers seem to believe that this is the case? spacer
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spacer That is not true. Our belief is only whoever is sent can preach, so that means the apostles, ordained pastors etc. But not of just our church alone, but of any true church. And also we believe that salvation isn't through listening to God's words though his sent ones alone, but rather through...

1. Believing and accepting Jesus Christ,
2. Repenting to God,
3. Being baptized,
4. Be added to a true church.
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Okay, so the 4th Watch does believe that persons must learn the gospel from an apostle or sent one. So it's true, that you can learn the exact same gospel, but that if you do not learn it from a particular person, then you are not saved. But apparently, there are other apostles and sent ones that can teach you. First of all, regardless of whether or not there are other true apostles and churches out there, the idea that you cannot be saved from Hell unless you follow one of them is still pathetic. But now, the real question is, how many true churches and apostles are there? Remember when we asked how many true churches there were, and they kept telling us 'when they find a true church', or 'when two or more true churches find each other'? We really wanted to know about these true churches, because we sure never heard of any of them when we were in the church.

So this time we said to the 4th Watcher:

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Freethinker spacer Please provide the names of at least five churches that your church has found to be true. spacer
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We were under the impression that there would be a lot, so we didn't expect this person to know them all, so we requested just five of them. We would then go on to do more research and decide whether or not we were incorrect. But when we asked how many churches did they find to be true, this was their reply:

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spacer In our modern time, we haven't yet, but we do still believe that we are not the only true church. spacer
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And we also said:

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Freethinker spacer Please list the true apostles you have found. spacer
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Their response:

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spacer All I can say, is the 19 apostles mentioned in the bible, but of course you don't believe in the bible, so in our modern time, we don't know any. But we still do believe Arseniol Ferriol isn't the only apostle. spacer
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That's right. Despite all of this talk about there being other true churches, and the unlikeliness that there aren't other true churches, they have yet to find any. You might believe that in thirty years of having this religion in existence, that another true church would have been found, but no. And concerning the apostles, this 4th Watcher could only mention the apostles in the Bible, which means that no one has ever heard of a true apostle since Paul and his gang of apostles in the Bible...the Bible! That means that only about two-thousand years have past since anyone's ever heard of a true apostle. And today, there can only be one found? We smell a cult.

So, what can we conclude from this? It is obvious that the PMCC 4th Watch do in fact consider themselves to be the only one true church, and Arsenio the only one true apostle, regardless of whether or not they believe that there can be more, though it is also obvious that many are under the impression that only the 4th Watch can be a real church. But you know what? Forget that. Because even if there were more true churches, how many can there possibly be when the 4th Watch has not even heard of them? And, it is still ridiculous that all of these persons who are not in a true church would be going to Hell, sent there by a loving god.

But, if there can be other true churches and apostles out there, perhaps they never hear about this possibility, and that would make sense, because that is probably exactly what Arsenio Ferriol wants. Let's face it, Arsenio teaches that he is a true apostle in his true church, and he doesn't want anyone going to other churches and giving money and glorification to other leaders. Yet, he probably teaches that there are other true churches out there, just so he doesn't look like a cult leader when this issue is addressed. But yet, he has nothing to worry about, because more than likely, he has no intention or care to ever find another true church. And the fact is, no one ever will. No two churches are alike, and Arsenio knows this. Even if by some odd chance, there was another church out there which taught the same exact things, all Arsenio has to do is tell his members that their apostle is not really sent by God. 4th Watchers wake up, Arsenio will never consider another church to be true, or accept another apostle as his equal. He wants you to believe only in his way and to follow him. It's been a long time and they have never found another true church. At this point in time, if they ever did, it would most likely be a manufactured church from a 4th Watcher in disguise who made another church just to help the 4th Watch church from looking like a cult, and Arsenio, a cult leader.

But let's get real 4th Watchers. The PMCC 4th Watch church is a cult, and Arsenio Ferriol is a cult leader. How can you ever expect normal persons in the world to ever think otherwise? Perhaps you don't need them. Perhaps there are enough fools in the world to keep giving your cult leaders money. But that, is why we are here with the PMCC 4th Watch Truth Project.

You can read an outstanding article on refuting Arsenio Ferriol's apostleship and church here.

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The Pentecostal Missionary Church of Christ (4th Watch) Truth Project

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