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The Fourth Watch

The second unbiblical feature of the 4th Watch is the actual notion of this 4th Watch concept. The fourth watch is unique to the PMCC 4th Watch religion. Arsenio has divided the time of the Earth into four different time periods and called them watches. According to the cult, the first three watches have passed, and we are now living in the fourth watch. The fourth watch is significant because this is the last watch we have to live on Earth, and it is in this watch that the Earth will end. The fourth watch is the watch that contains the Apocalypse; when Jesus makes his return and the Rapture takes place. This is the time when Armageddon will occur and everyone will be judged. In other words, we are now living in the End Times, and this is where the cult gets part of its name.

In the Bible, days were divided into four periods called watches, used when soldiers would take turns being on guard, and the fourth watch was the last period of the day. The notion of the fourth watch involving time being divided into four periods, and the End Time being the fourth watch is obviously derived from this Biblical concept, but the notion that time is divided into four periods, the fourth being the End Time, and that we're now living in the fourth watch, is not in the Bible. Arsenio tries to cover this mistake by saying that God gave him this information in a revelation, but that of course is not true. And besides, it is not in the Bible.

Here, a 4th Watcher tries to explain the 4th watch Biblically and majorly fails:

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spacer Why Pentecostal Missionary Church of Christ 4th Watch? The name of the true church is Church of Christ, but what kind of Church of Christ? There are many so called "Churches of Christ"nowadays. It is a necessity to distinguish the true church. Hence the words Pentecostal and Missionary and 4th Watch. Pentecostal means having the attributes of the early church. Missionary is the modern English word for sent one. 4th Watch is the last watch in the parable of Christ in Mark 13:35, which is the end time, or our present time. spacer Cult Member
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The problem with this cult member's reasoning, is that the notion of the 4th Watch which the name of the church is modeled after, is not what the 4th watch in Mark 13:35 is referring to. In fact, let's look at that verse. The 4th Watcher debating us might have left it out so that we wouldn't notice his mistake.

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The Holy Bible spacer Mark 13:35
Therefore keep watch because you do not know when the owner of the house will come back-whether in the evening, or at midnight, or when the rooster crows, or at dawn.
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The 4th Watch as the name for the end time is an unbiblical concept. The fourth watch is the last division of the day, used when soldiers would take turns being on guard. In this verse, Jesus is simply saying to keep watch for the end time, that it could come at any of the four divisions of the day. No where does it state in the Bible that the 4th watch is a distinct period of time other than the last division of a day, and no where does it say that the end time is called the 4th Watch. This is an invention of Arsenio Ferriol, and he is obviously using the 4th Watch as a way to name the end times by using the watches in the Bible. And he's trying to be clever, which is cool, but the watches in the Bible are not periods of time in the way that Arsenio is trying to use them as. Simply put, the fourth watch is unbiblical.

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spacer You may click here to read the entire 4th Watch Truth Project from page to page like a book. IMPORTANT: Please read our terms of use. The cult demands your MONEY. The Cult Leader See a list of all cultic features of the 4th Watch cult. THE SILENT KILLER What are their views of YOUR religion. Learn the cultic views of the PMCC 4th Watch religion. What does the cult Believe? What do they practice? Is a living apostle needed in the church today? Are you saved from the fire? Are we now living in the END TIMES? So what IS the fourth watch? Secrecy   Mystery   Deception spacer
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