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The PMCC 4th Watch Cult

The Pentecostal Missionary Church of Christ (4th Watch) is a Pentecostal Christian doomsday cult and hate organization founded in the Philippines by its leader Arsenio Ferriol. The 4th Watch is also known as a charismatic and prosperity church. It is this religious cult that is the focus of this project.

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In 1972, The PMCC 4th Watch church was established in the Philippines by a man named Arsenio Ferriol, a pastor from a previous Pentecostal Christian church, who claimed that God came to him and appointed him as the leader of all Christians, making him the new apostle of Jesus Christ. This was the beginning of the PMCC 4th Watch cult. It started very small, from just a few members, and has grown to an estimated 20,000 members with larger churches and in various countries.

As a cult, the church practices highly unusual behaviors and is potentially dangerous to its members and others. Unfortunately, the church has long successfully disguised itself as a legitimate or mainstream religion. It has most of the classic signs of cultic environments, including the cult leader who warns you must pay him money to go to Heaven and avoid Hell, and carrying out various forms of psychological programming, including brainwashing and mind control. This project will teach you more about them.

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spacer You may click here to read the entire 4th Watch Truth Project from page to page like a book. IMPORTANT: Please read our terms of use. The cult demands your MONEY. The Cult Leader See a list of all cultic features of the 4th Watch cult. THE SILENT KILLER What are their views of YOUR religion. Learn the cultic views of the PMCC 4th Watch religion. What does the cult Believe? What do they practice? Is a living apostle needed in the church today? Are you saved from the fire? Are we now living in the END TIMES? So what IS the fourth watch? Secrecy   Mystery   Deception Do they really drink blood and eat human flesh? Is the Bible the word of God? Get in on the discussion. spacer
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The Pentecostal Missionary Church of Christ (4th Watch) Truth Project

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