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Psychological Programming

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You have learned about cult leaders, superstition, and eccentricity, but now we are going to discuss another feature that is very definitive of cultic environments. As you know, the 4th Watch is led by a man whose ultimate goal is money and glory. In order to achieve these desired goals, he must do something or be something that is worthy of everyone's money and recognition of his worth. Doing something constructive with his life is too much work for Arsenio Ferriol.

So instead, he came up with a scheme in which he would pretend to be sent by God to establish the one true church, and would lie to everyone in the world that in order to go to Heaven, you would need to pay him. Of course, he has created additional lies to hide this truth, and has convinced others that God needs money for their salvation, which of course is given to the apostle, himself. Convincing everybody of all these things is no easy task. In fact, to use logical means would prove to be almost impossible in achieving this. Fortunately for him, he is a very smart and clever man. He knows that he cannot logically convince others that he is an apostle, or that God needs money, so he uses a very, and we do mean very, effective technique called psychological programming, and it is a very common tool used in cults.

Here is the idea behind psychological programming. Suppose you have a computer, keyboard, and monitor. Suppose you want the computer to every morning, tell you what time it is, what the day's current and high temperature is, provide you a daily joke, alert you at the beginning of every hour, and play classical music at exactly 10 am. Now, how would you achieve this? Well, you can talk to your computer and tell it what you want, or you can start pushing a bunch of buttons, but nothing's going to happen unless you have what's called a program that makes the computer do all of these things. This is because a computer doesn't understand interaction the way persons do. In reality, someone has to program the computer to do this. When a program is written, the computer will follow the program. A computer does not think or have the ability to do anything outside its programming. Once it's programmed, it follows the program.

The previous example with the computer is a pretty good analogy for cultic programming. Suppose you sit down with a fellow person with decent intelligence, and you start telling this person that you are a special man sent by God to rule the Earth with your church, and in order for the human race to get into Heaven, they have to obey your every command and pay you as much money as they can. In addition to this, homosexuals and non-believers are extremely bad persons and are automatically going to Hell.

Saying this to an average person would only make you look like a complete idiot, as normal persons know that none of this would be true. Since you cannot convince such a person rationally, just as you cannot just tell the computer to do what you want, you instead have to program them. When you program a person, like the computer, you inscribe instructions into that person's mind that must be followed, just as a computer must follow its program. This is exactly how Arsenio and his 4th Watch cult teaches its members to not only believe in his teachings, but to always remain a part of the cult. Programming will make them completely loyal to the leader of the cult. And just as a computer can't stray from its programming, so too when a person is programmed, it can be extremely difficult to stray from the cult.

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Here is a statement from the 4th Watch website that serves as a foreshadow of the programming that members will endure:

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spacer Holiness and Service unto the Lord" is PMCC (4th Watch)'s motto. Every member is taught and trained to live their lives free from both spiritual and moral evils plaguing the lives of many today. Members are also constantly encouraged to live with the attitude that they are servants of God and thus, must use every opportunity and means to advance the will God in this world. spacer
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Programming is dangerous to the individual and once programmed, it is nearly impossible to ever go back to being normal again. The amount of psychological warfare used in programming cult members can be quite dramatic, and deprogramming victims has proven extremely difficult to do. Imagine that you like eating apples. But imagine that the only reason why you like eating apples is because you were programmed to, and in fact you hated apples before. Imagine trying to rewire your brain to not like apples anymore. It is not an easy thing to do. Fortunately, if someone can be programmed in the first place, it is possible to deprogram them. It just takes more work because you have to first convince the person that they were programmed in the first place and get them away from the cult, which can be just as difficult to do. This is why there are special programs set up to help prevent cultic programming, and to deprogram such victims.

Cults have been using psychological programming techniques for centuries. It is perhaps the most important and effective weapon that cultic organizations have. The 4th Watch utilizes programming very well, as the cult leader is extremely trained in this area. When you think about how all of these persons have managed to believe that this man is a prophet sent from God, and that he is the only way to their salvation, in which he needs your money, this is how he does it. He programs his followers. And he teaches his sub leaders to program as well. And they are so good at their programming techniques, that they are able to do so in a very stealth-like fashion. Nobody realizes that they're being programmed, and the pastors that help program their members don't even know they're doing it.

4th Watchers

So how is programming achieved? Cult members are bombarded with an arsenal of psychological attacks that alter their ability to process information in the brain. In a sense, their brain is "rewired" to believe and behave according to the cult. Programming is often called brainwashing, but brainwashing is actually just one of the major forms used to program an individual. There are actually four major forms of programming, which are brainwashing, mind control, dependency, and conformity. These are the four areas of programming that must be mastered in order for a member to completely surrender and belong to the cult. In order to achieve the full effects of programming, members must believe what the cult wants them to, they must do what the cult wants them to, they must rely on only the cult for their needs, and they must become one with the cult. Some of these forms are carried out in steps, but thy are often done at the same time. Some steps are actually part of other methods and they often help each other. For instance, brainwashing is achieved through a number of techniques, including dependency, and dependency uses brainwashing as a technique for its achievement as well.

Programming in Action

Want to see evidence of the psychological programming that 4th Watchers have been subjected to? Just look at some of the things these unfortunate programmed individuals say. It is clear what has happened to them. We warn you though, as it's very sad.

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spacer Do not rely on what you can do. Trust on what God can do. ---- Proverbs 3:5 "Trust in the Lord with all your heartand lean not on your own understanding; spacer Cult Member
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spacer You should have no other love but Christ, you should have no other world but ministry, you should have no other work, but your jobspec spacer Cult Member
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spacer I used to think the purpose of life was to become the best person I can be through worldly achievements such as career success, influence over others, being a good person, etc. God taught me that being my best can only be achieved by following Jesus Christ. spacer Cult Member
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spacer I am nothing; God is everything. spacer Cult Member
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spacer What you can do for God depends on your dreams...on your VISION. spacer Cult Member
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spacer But my life is worth nothing to me unless I use it for finishing the work assigned me by the Lord Jesus-the work of telling others the Good News about the wonderful grace of God. spacer Cult Member
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spacer Life without Christ is not life. That's the way it is. spacer Cult Member
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spacer Evil can teach us a lesson about life in general such as the existence of good. Evil proves there is good & if there's good, there's God! spacer Cult Member
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spacer You cannot make sense of the evil in your life if you do not have Jesus in your life. spacer Cult Member
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spacer it is ONLY by God's love I am able to pass on love to others. 1 John 4:19 "We love because he first loved us. spacer Cult Member
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spacer Christmas is God's act of war against Satan. Christ didn't come to beg or negotiate with Satan. And neither should we. Christianity is war!" (War talk from the head pastor Jonathon Ferriol) spacer Cult Member
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spacer (Response to the pastor's war talk) "And as valiant soldiers that we must be, there's no time to bleed, right Ptr? What a powerful reminder to us all! PTL! spacer Cult Member
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spacer (Regarding the statement made by Stephen Hawking about God not being necessary) "The fool says in his heart, 'There is no God'" (Ps. 14:1). This is physics gone wrong and awry! But as long as the Bible says otherwise, I will believe we are created by God! spacer Cult Member
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spacer (Regarding this pastor's political views) "who ever put their trust in God i'll vote for them spacer Cult Member
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spacer nagging headache since this morning? took Ibuprofen to no effect. Lord, You are my Great Physician, my Healer. spacer Cult Member
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spacer It is when you are in pain and hurting, that you can enjoy healing from God! spacer Cult Member
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spacer PRAISE THE LORD!!! I wish Sunday could last forever - oh, wait, it will spacer Cult Member
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spacer All set for Vegas. First time to visit the city and first time to EVER leave Southbay [cult], so, having mixed emotions. :(" (This person doesn't even leave the cult.) spacer Cult Member
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spacer As believers in the true church of the Lord, we have a leader whose life and ministry is worthy of our celebration and emulation. He is our shepherd, our leader, our brother, our apostle... spacer Cult Member
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spacer It is not enough that we believe what we are taught, we must also believe who teaches it... spacer Cult Member
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spacer Like Hebrews 11:17-19, we all have an Isaac in our lives and like Abraham, by faith, we should offer it as a sacrifice! Glory to God! spacer Cult Member
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If these persons don't sound like programmed individuals, then we don't know who does. These persons are desperately in need of deprogramming after what their apostle has done to them. It is clear that the PMCC 4th Watch is a cult, verified by the members' own mouths.

Psychological Programming
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