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God, the Deity

For whatever reason, usually because of controlling leaders, cults seem to embrace the oddest choices of deities to be the focus of their worship. Cults often worship gods who are evil, hateful, unfair, unjust, unforgiving, unmerciful, and incompetent. This is cultic in itself, but despite how obvious these characteristics are in such beings, cults will believe in the opposite to be true, and they will do the best job they can in obviously desperate fashion to defend their gods with the most ridiculous of excuses. For instance; in Christianity, God had his son murdered in order to not send less than perfect persons to a place where they would be tortured eternally, a place that God created in the first place. Not only does this scenario not make any sense, but it clearly shows that this god is evil; yet, so many Christians somehow see this as an act of the greatest love possible. One of their excuses is that we of course deserve to go to Hell because we are sinners, so God, with all of his love, took action to prevent that from happening. Apparently, murdering his son doesn't register as evil on their morality scale; But in any case, this is how cults think.

anti-religious picture

As mentioned, the 4th Watch believes in and worships God, the Christian deity of the Holy Bible. The Bible clearly portrays God as evil, hateful, unfair, unjust, unforgiving, unmerciful, and incompetent. This is undeniable for any rational person. God hates just about every person and type of person there is, but he most especially hates non-humans, females, homosexuals, atheists, heathens, scientists, and children. He commands his followers to kill, and he himself kills anyone for committing the smallest of immoralities and things which are not immoral at all, but this especially goes for all of these specific peoples. The fact that 4th Watchers believe that such a god is an all-loving, moral, and perfect being is evidence that such individuals have clearly been brainwashed and programmed to think that way.

This piece was to inform you about God personally. To learn more about the role of God, you can go here.

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