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Speaking in Tongues

One last main behavior we will touch up on here is a very strange one indeed. Not necessarily dangerous, but it is so weird and so creepy, that it is definitely considered universally as a cultic behavior. We are talking about the 4th Watch's popular use of speaking in tongues. This behavior is one of the more distinctive features of the 4th Watch. Only cults engage in it. It is truly one of the most frightening features of the 4th Watch. For those of you not familiar with speaking in tongues, we will explain it to you.

Speaking in tongues is more formally known as glossolalia, and is apparently seen as a "gift" from God where God actually speaks for you or where you are allowed to speak another language or the divine language of Heaven. Speaking in tongues is actually categorized as two different types.

The first type is where someone who has no knowledge of speaking in any other language is suddenly able to speak it, even with no prior training. The second is what some refer to as an "unverifiable" type, in which a person speaks the language of Heaven, or of the angels, or God. It is of no known language on Earth; it just sounds like gibberish. While the 4th Watch cult recognizes both types, they are cautious to endorse this second kind of tongue language. There is also another related "gift" that 4th Watchers often claim to have, and that is being able to understand or interpret these languages, but not actually be able to speak them. Most 4th Watchers who claim to speak in tongues claim to be able to both speak and interpret such languages.

Of course, anyone who claims to speak in tongues in full of nonsense. If they are speaking another earthly language, then it is because they know how to speak it. If they are speaking the language of God, then they are simply making it up as they go. Someone who actually believes that they are speaking in tongues are either mentally retarded, mentally insane, they acquired the knowledge in speaking another language without even realizing it, which is possible, or the most likely reason, they are lying.

So what is the big deal about speaking in tongues? Why do they do it? What exactly is it about speaking in tongues that is so scary?

4th Watcher

We cannot really answer the first question. We don't exactly know why they engage in this type of behavior. We believe that they might feel that the Bible instructs them to do it. At least, that might be how the apostle interprets it. Also, they see it as a gift from God, and all gifts from God must be used. By speaking in tongues, you are using God's gift to you. 4th Watchers also see that as an honor. Also, perhaps they feel that as they do this, God is inside them, using them, and perhaps it is just a huge honor to be used by God.

As for why it is scary, imagine you are in church. The pastor leads a prayer and everyone bows their head and you all begin to pray. While praying, the pastor starts to cry, and other members begin to cry as well. Then, all of a sudden, one member starts to yell out phrases that you cannot understand, screaming from the top of her lungs, then starts shaking and throwing up her hands. Then, someone else starts doing the same thing, and you have persons with tears in their eyes, shaking uncontrollably while yelling out phrases that don't even make sense. And this happens for several minutes. Just by reading, you probably can't fully understand why it's so creepy, but when you see it for yourself, you never forget it. Seriously, can you imagine sitting in the pew while you listen to the pastor pray, and you have persons around you talking like they have crap in their mouth, while shaking, performing what seems like uncontrollable chants while in a bizarre trance? And they yell out in languages you can't understand and might not even exist?

Anyway, if anybody goes to a church where persons are speaking in tongues, then they are witnessing a cult. No mainstream organization accepts speaking in tongues without being a cult. That's just how it is. If you speak in tongues, you are in a cult. And this kind of environment is no place for children.

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