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Fellowship inside a cult is usually no ordinary fellowship. First of all, does membership cost money? If so, this does not necessarily signify a cultic organization, but you have to ask what you get in return. Are these dues for a charity group or do they simply go to the group's leader? Followers of cults often act as servants rather than basic members. Instead of contributing to society in a positive way, cult members often waste their lives working for the cult, and many of them, sometimes all of them, are required to fulfill some sort of duty, whether it's helping to build a church or recruit new members. Further more, they are not paid for this work. They are often encouraged to give much of their money to the leader, sometimes including all of the money that they have, including their life savings and any income that they continue to receive.

So what is cultic about the servitude under the leadership of the 4th Watch? Well for starters, followers are required to give money to the church; specifically ten percent of their income every week, though they are aggressively pushed to give even more than that. If membes do not do this, they are threatened with suffering on Earth, and Hell after death.

The leadership of the 4th Watch treats their followers like servants. While 4th Watch servants are taught to worship God, you will see that there is a level of blur when it comes to who is more important; God, or the cult leader.

4th Watchers

All members within the cult, as they are servants, are expected to fulfill some sort of duty. This could be as basic as evangelizing by walking the neighborhood, setting up car washes to raise money, and designing websites for the church, or more significant duties such as helping to run a church itself. Among these duties are pastoral services. Even though all members are servants, pastors do take on minor leadership roles to help run a church and to teach the cult's doctrine. Among them are head pastors who teach the cult's beliefs and the lower pastors who preach at local churches of the cult.

No members, not even the pastors, are paid for their services. In fact, whether you are a pastor or fulfill any kind of duty for the apostle, they are all instructed to give money to the cult leader. They are denied any salary and are expected to work and to offer all of their service unto the leader for nothing in return, except for the promise that they will make it into Heaven when they die. The cult and its leaders provide very little for the needs of the followers. When requested to fly to their camp where they receive more training on how to be a 4th Watcher, the cult does not pay for the plane ticket or any travel expenses. It takes a lot of programming to achieve this level of servitude and slavery, but this is an area where the 4th Watch excels. Members are willing to do this because they mistakenly believe that they are doing this for God.

Here's a little something from the 4th Watch website about its followers:

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spacer Holiness and Service unto the Lord" is PMCC (4th Watch)'s motto. Every member is taught and trained to live their lives free from both spiritual and moral evils plaguing the lives of many today. Members are also constantly encouraged to live with the attitude that they are servants of God and thus, must use every opportunity and means to advance the will [of] God in this world. spacer
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This piece was to inform you about the role of 4th Watch followers. To learn more about these 4th Watch followers personally, you can go here.

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