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Arguments and Remarks

The 4th Watch cult members are known for saying some pretty stupid and outrageous things. They often say these things among other 4th Watcher friends and never expect to take responsibility for or to actually think about what they say. We are going to somewhat remedy that here by taking several real quotes from actual 4th Watch members and respond to them.

Jonathon Ferriol

Every statement made by the 4th Watchers has been kept in their original formatting, as in, spelling, grammar, and presentation. This is so we do not accidentally change the meaning of the statement and no 4th Watcher can come and accuse us of changing their meaning on purpose so that we had an advantage. These are their very own words. Plus, keeping everything in their exact formatting tells you a little something about themselves that would be missed otherwise. This way, you are seeing their own words. Now, you will see that there language skills are poor. But, we will add that most of these arguments came from persons that speak English as a secondary language. Also, these arguments came from mediums that do not allow for certain formatting, such as bold and italics. Also, keep in mind that these are casual statements. However, judging by the things these persons say, we doubt their writing would be much better anyways.

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spacer You cannot make sense of the evil in your life if you do not have Jesus in your life. spacer Cult Member
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Freethinker spacer I would highly protest that statement. It's a clever little thing to say, but you have nothing to show that would back this statement up. There is no need to have "Jesus in our life" in order to make sense of evil. How exactly does having Jesus in our life allow us to make sense of evil? We understand evil without Jesus. What we don't understand, is why do 4th Watchers and other Christians insist on worshipping an evil god? spacer
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spacer Christmas is God at work in our history. God is neither detached nor uncaring to men. He loves the world - this is what Christmas is about! spacer Cult Member
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Freethinker spacer If God actually existed and the Bible was true, then it is absolutely clear that God has detached himself from us and is definitely uncaring. This original statement came from a pastor, and you'd think that a pastor would have read the Bible and understood it. If he did, he would know that God has no care at all for his people, as he takes every opportunity to hurt them in the most despicable ways. Additionally, how can anyone say that God is not detached from us? God is never around us, no prayer gets answered or prophecy fulfilled, and there is no evidence to suggest otherwise. But this pastor believes God loves the world. I agree. He loved the world so much that he flooded it and killed billions. He loved the world so much that he covered it in natural disasters, plagues, disease, and other tragedies. He loved the world so much that all of its inhabitants were instructed to kill each other in his name. That's love. spacer
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spacer Atheists are calling Christmas a "myth" But for believers it isn't rather it is a biblical fact worthy of belief & yes, even celebration! spacer Cult Member
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Freethinker spacer Considering the fact that there is no reliable documentation of the event that Christmas is based on, and the kind of supernatural phenomena which every myth consists of that surrounds this event, Christmas can in no way be considered anything but a myth in our time. Because of this, only the secular side of the holiday such as the sharing of love, should be celebrated. There is no point in celebrating myths like the birth of a god. spacer
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spacer Evil can teach us a lesson about life in general such as the existence of good. Evil proves there is good & if there's good, there's God! spacer Cult Member
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Freethinker spacer I agree that when evil occurs, it can really make evident the amount of good that persons have. When someone does something evil, there are usually many more good persons that come forward to do something about it. I wouldn't necessarily say that evil proves there is good, but this pastor seems to imply that goodness is proof of God, which is proved by evil. First of all, it is rather difficult to link God with any concept of goodness. But even if you could, in no way does goodness prove that God exists. You're going to have to do much better than that. spacer
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spacer I am not sure exactly what heaven will be like that is why there is the Bible to remind us but know that when we die and it comes time for God to judge us, he will NOT ask, How many good things have you done in your life?, rather he will ask, How much LOVE did you put into what you did for him?" (;.. spacer Cult Member
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Freethinker spacer There is no reason to put your belief in anything the Bible says, so just because the Bible talks about Heaven and an afterlife, does not mean any of those things exist. And if such concepts do exist, the Bible would not be a trust-worthy source of information about them. However, if there really is a God and a Heaven, then the most moral and rational way to base their acceptance into such a place is on how much good persons have done in their life, not on how much they love God. No god who is loving would ever make such a ridiculous claim. In order for rewards to be just, they can only go to those who are worthy of them. If this is not the case, then persons have the allowance to do whatever evil they want as long as they adhere to the one rule of only loving God. Why should a man who raped and killed ten women be allowed into Heaven only on the basis that he loved God, while a man who did not believe in God, is no t allowed, even though he dedicated his life to feeding the poor and helping the sick? spacer
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spacer I am nothing; God is everything. spacer Cult Member
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Freethinker spacer Perfect example of psychological programming at work. The truth of this statement is actually the opposite. We are not nothing, but are all special. On the other hand, God is not even real, so he is nothing at all. And even if he was real, clearly he is evil and certainly worth nothing. This kind of thinking, that we are nothing, yet God is everything is both self-destructive and a danger to others. A statement like this is truly cultic, for it is a perfect example of brainwashing. This is exactly what the cult wants you to believe in order to be further victimized by the cult. spacer
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spacer Jesus Christ is my Savior, and He can be yours too. He is the only way. spacer Cult Member
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Freethinker spacer First you have to verify that he existed in the first place, and then you'd have to show that he's God. And on top of that, you'd have to explain as to why we need to be saved in the first place and that whatever we're being saved from is also real. Considering this is not possible, whatever it is you are talking about, it is doubtful that "Jesus is the only way". spacer
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spacer When you live your life for God is when you truly live. spacer Cult Member
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Freethinker spacer Another cultic statement. When you live your life for an imaginary god, you waste your life, while helping to make the lives of others just as wasteful. This is another example of a statement coming from someone who has clearly been brainwashed. There are billions of persons who are "truly living" without living their lives for God. I've seen how the 4th Watchers spend their lives for their apostle and deity. Trust me when I tell you that they are not truly living, but only getting closer to death without ever doing anything constructive in their lives. It really is a sad thing. spacer
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spacer People spend all their lives working to get the contentment only God can give. Thank You, Lord. We might not have much, but You're all we need. spacer Cult Member
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Freethinker spacer Again, such cultic attitude. This is another dangerous statement to make. God is all we need? Tell that to a woman who is being raped in an alley while God sits on his ass and does nothing. Tell that to dying children who are in badly need of medicine, but who God never seems to provide for. Not only do we not need God, but even if we did, he certainly wouldn't give a damn about us anyway. spacer
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spacer [In reference to Stephen Hawking's assertion that God is not necessary for the creation of the universe] The fool says in his heart, 'There is no God'" (Ps. 14:1). This is physics gone wrong and awry! But as long as the Bible says otherwise, I will believe we are created by God! spacer Cult Member
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Freethinker spacer Christians and other theists are the very last persons to say anything about science, especially physics. This pastor has no understanding of physics or anything that relates to the concept of science. Science deals with reason. This guy would not have the passion to understand anything that would require him to think, and that is why he would rather believe in magic and the supernatural. Believing in these things is much easier for those who do not wish to take the effort to learn about the real world in the way that science teaches. To them, it is just easier to believe in gods, magic, and fairytales to help explain the world. Further more, the fact that you would believe in whatever a book says simply for the fact it says it proves you are unscientific, and because this is so, you have no qualification to even consider if physics is "awry". Anyone who would disbelieve the brilliant minds of the scientists, who have given us so much, while believing in a book that was written thousands of years ago by unintelligent and superstitious persons who didn't know how to make sense of the world, is quite simply, stupid. spacer
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spacer I'm reading "Language of God" by Francis Collins and he talks about how science provides evidence for a theistic belief. He argues that science is an evidence for God. I'm not sure how Hawking could be so wrong when creation is a mute evidence for God as told in the Scriptures. Pity! spacer Cult Member
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Freethinker spacer Again, anyone who is a theist cannot possibly understand physics or science, and no true scientist would argue that science provides evidence for theistic beliefs. This is merely an attempt for theists to give themselves excuses to believe in nonsense. It is both funny and sad to see someone claiming a genius like Hawking, someone who has dedicated his life to studying the world, to be so wrong, while 4th Watchers do nothing but sit on their asses reading scripture or kneel on their knees crying to their imaginary deity. That is the real pity. spacer
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spacer Philosophycally, these man-made theories of the likes of Stephen Hawking, never stand the test of time and are soon debunked, challenged and often-times replaced by another theory, unlike the Word of God that will stand forever (Isaiah 40:8...).

I've meet a couple of these so-called scientist and atheist alike, and they can never prove to me that God, doesn't exist. Not with the simple fact that no matter how advance man's knowledge is, they still cannot figure out how the human body really works and not even a cure for the common cold.

Thank God we have recieved the Truth from the Good Man of the House...
spacer Cult Member
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Freethinker spacer You have no idea what philosophy even is, nor do you even understand what constitutes a theory. To suggest that theories like that of Stephen Hawking's never stand the test of time suggests you don't even know anything about science or Mr. Hawking either.

Because of the theories that have been developed over time by extremely intelligent scientists like Mr. Hawking, we have uncovered more knowledge about the universe than you could ever dream, and it is because of those theories that have allowed us to visit the moon, travel in space, utilize GPS technology, discover distant planets, and have given us so much knowledge of the universe that has helped to make our lives more exciting, meaningful, and enjoyable...but according to you, these theories don't stand the test of time...

All theories are man-made, but they explain FACTS discovered by scientists, not guesses or ideas, as you might believe they do. While new facts are discovered which can sometimes modify our understanding of previous theories, science is the best and only way to develop a true understanding of our universe. Make no mistake my foolish theist, man-made theories are more accurate and closer to the truth than the stories in the Bible, which are also man-made, but which do not provide truth.

Stephen Hawking is a genius, along with many other scientists like Einstein who have helped to uncover many secrets of the universe, no thanks to the Bible, which only threatens to prevent us from discovering true information due to its lies which steer foolish persons like you away from the truth. While persons like Hawking are busy trying to learn the real truth to make this world a better place and to improve the quality of our lives, persons like you, who have no understanding of science but who believe in outdated Bronze Age stories, work hard to stop human progress. If it was not for persons like Stephen Hawking, and we had only persons like you and your delusional friends, we would still be living in the Bronze Age now.

Scientists and atheists might not have been able to prove to you that God does not exist, but you and your fellow nut-job theists have failed to ever produce any type of evidence that he does. The fact that you cannot see, sense, detect, measure, or experience him in any way puts the burden on you people to provide the proof if anybody is to sensibly believe in this nonsense. Until you can do this, it will always remain nonsense. All your feelings and experiences which you might contribute to your fairytale god can be used to "prove" any deity, including Allah, Thor, or the pink unicorn that's sitting in your room but that you just can't see.

With that said, it is strange that you talk about scientific theories being debunked yet you seem to forget that just about every story in the Bible has been absolutely destroyed by the truth of science. In case you haven't heard, our planet is not flat...just thought you might like to know. Oh yeah, it was science, not the Bible, which told us the true shape of the earth, and it was the Bible that lied to us in the first place. You might want to re-think your understanding of Biblical "truth".

You discredit all of science because we do not know everything about the body or cannot find a cure for the common cold? Are you sure that is wise of you? It is amazing what stupidity theism brings out in persons. We have learned more about the body than you could ever imagine, decoding the human genome which will lead us to create better medical practices to improve quality of life and not to mention allowing us to learn more about human biology than ever before. We might not have been able to cure the common cold yet, but we have cured hundreds or thousands of other ailments, including diseases that are far more threatening than your common cold, like Diptheria, Malaria, Measles, Polio, Tetanus, Yellow Fever, and Small Pox. That's pretty impressive for human knowledge if you ask me.

And you are a nurse. If you cannot appreciate what science has done for the medical field, then you have no business doing what you do. My advice is to go to your supervisor and resign over ignorance. In fact, why don't you join your beloved pastor who taught his congregation to pray for healing instead of seeking medical attention, because it sounds like you believe in the same thing.
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Arsenio Ferriol verses Stephen Hawking

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spacer Any specie survives & thrives only in his own in the sea...birds in the air...true believers in the church! This is nature! spacer Cult Member
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Freethinker spacer I disagree. The most natural habitats for true believers are either mental hospitals or jails. spacer
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spacer It is when you are in pain and hurting, that you can enjoy healing from God! spacer Cult Member
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Freethinker spacer Lol. Yes, I laughed when I first heard this. If this embarrassing statement was made by a mere servant of the cult, I would say they were brainwashed, for no normal person would feel this way. However, it was made by a head pastor, which most likely means that it is a statement being used to brainwash. As I mentioned, no normal person would feel this way. No one who is normal gets excited from pain and hurting so that they can enjoy being healed by God. This is just an attempt by the pastor doing the brainwashing to trick her cult members into believing that a negative experience is in fact a positive one. This is similar to when members are told that God killing babies is actually an act of love, not hate. Here, members are expected to ignore the fact that they feel pain in the first place and to be happy that they are hurting because that God is there to take it away. Brainwashing. spacer
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spacer Giving your best efforts to serve the Lord is not a crime. You're just making the most of your life's time worth living and worthwhile spacer Cult Member
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Freethinker spacer As I've said before, spending the time of your life for an imaginary evil god is only a waste of your life, nothing more. And a statement like this only goes to show you how messed up a cult member can be. While giving your best efforts to serve the "lord" is not a crime, carrying out his commands is . Please 4th Watchers, do not obey God when he tells you to kill non-believers. It leaves innocent persons dead and you end up in prison…because it's a crime. spacer
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spacer It is true that evil shall NEVER prevail! Praise God! Proud to be a 4th Watcher! spacer Cult Member
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Freethinker spacer Another careless thought from someone who's proud to be a 4th Watcher. It is not true that evil never prevails. Evil prevails quite often in this world and we can't just live in a fantasy where some god's going to come down and make it all better. This is the real world, with real problems, and while 4th Watchers want to be irresponsible and immature while pretending to live in a world where evil can do no harm, we have burglars, rapists, and murderers running about, committing crimes, and yes, getting away with it. Evil does prevail. If we want evil to not prevail, then we have to do more than praise God, we actually have to not live in this pretend fantasy world, but actually get off our butts, stop praying about the problems, and look for ways to actually solve them...and worshipping evil gods doesn't help. spacer
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spacer Fight over, Manny wins!; knelt down to pray and thanked the Lord, also mentioned his gratitude to God on the interview and then to his fans. Host seems to have a good point--it's possible Mayweather waits for Pacquiao to weaken in future fights then to say YES to a match. If so true, Mayweather-an epitomy of cowardice....God has once again shown His grace to the humble Pacquiao and opposed the proud Margarito. James 4:6 spacer Cult Member
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Freethinker spacer Oh yes, God controls boxing matches. He only lets those who believe in him and who aren't proud win, but always makes everyone else lose. That's 4th Watch intelligence. spacer
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spacer TRUTH is the Word of God. Standing for the truth will cost you either friendships, relationships or even your job. As the Bible declares, you compromise your faith & belief to accommodate the mentioned, you are considered UNWORTHY of Christ. Those who not only hear but suffer for the TRUTH belong to God. Matthew 10:37 ..."Anyone who loves his father or mother more than me is not worthy of me." Praise God! spacer Cult Member
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Freethinker spacer I agree that some things are too important to turn your back on, even if it means losing friendships or your job and such, but you have to be responsible with yourself and others too, and it is not always appropriate to take such actions. But what I find most revolting about this statement is that if somehow you are not perfect and don't always make the right choices as far as standing up for what you believe, I doubt you would be unworthy of Jesus. Further more, anyone who loves God more than their father or mother simply because they're told to are not only unworthy of God, they're unworthy of the rest of humanity. This is just more dangerous and irresponsible nonsense talk. spacer
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spacer Matthew 10:38-39 also declares "and anyone who does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me. 39 Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it." Praise be to God!!! spacer Cult Member
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Freethinker spacer Another very dangerous thing to believe that could only come from a Judeo religion, and that only a cult member could praise God about. Cult members believe in their teachings fanatically, and believing this only worsens the danger of being in a cult. Cult members are taught to believe that fulfilling their lives without the teachings of their religion is no life at all, but to give their lives for their leader's cause is what is truly needed. This creates a dangerous scenario of a person who could otherwise have a normal fulfilling life, but is willing to put themself in danger and even sacrifice themselves for their cult. This is how suicide bombers are trained. spacer
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spacer nagging headache since this morning? took Ibuprofen to no effect. Lord, You are my Great Physician, my Healer. spacer Cult Member
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Freethinker spacer This embarrassing statement is another example of a brainwashed cult member. First of all, she doesn't seem bothered by the fact she has a headache in the first place. You'd think with such strict devotion to this loving god of hers, that he wouldn't even allow her to have one. But I wouldn't be surprised with such brainwashed personas, that cult members would be trained to see headaches as blessings from God. Brainwashed persons you see, can be trained to believe anything, and according to a statement we just heard previously, they are trained to see pain as an opportunity to be healed, which apparently is a joy. The only problem is, in real life, God doesn't heal, he's imaginary after all. And according to the Bible, he harm s far more than he heals. Here, this cult member is calling God her great physician and healer without him even doing anything, while apparently being happy that she has the headache. Cult members. Lol. spacer
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spacer Tuned in to watch the last part of tonight's Glee. Its scriptwriter is clearly an Atheist. A mere proof that we are living in the end-time. Christ's coming is sure imminent. And to add up, the character who said that was gay. spacer Cult Member
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Freethinker spacer That's right everybody, Glee is a "mere" proof that we are living in the end-times. I mean, what more proof do you actually need ? If someone demands to see proof of a Biblical apocalypse, just show them Glee! But if that's not enough proof, just remind them that one of the characters is gay. That's right everyone, it's the gay people. They're the ones responsible for the coming of the Ant-Christ. When you look at all of today's problems and evil, it always comes down to those damn gays! The 4th Watch cult sees homosexuals as the faces of evil. This is because they are taught to hate them in accordance to the Bible. Further more, they are uneducated about the gay lifestyle and are convinced that they will ultimately bring down civilization. spacer
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